Amphibians are a growing passion – i have tried on/off a few times, with different families/genera – from Bufonids to Hylids, Ambystomas to Plethodontids etc.
Right now i keep mainly poison dart frogs and Mantella’s, but also a few others.
- Cochranella granulosa
- Dendrobates auratus
- Dendrobates tinctorius (four localities)
- Epipedobates anthonyi
- Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni
- Hylomantis lemur
- Mantella aurantiaca
- Mantella betsileo
- Mantella madagascariensis
- Mantella pulchra
- Phyllobates vittatus
- Pleurodeles nebulosus
- Ranitomeya vanzolinii
- Theloderma corticale