The large specimen in the habitat – as seen, the shadows are long, as the sun was low on the sky Grækenland, Peloponnese, Strofylia National Park (Maj 2022)The habitat was quite dry, but small herbs and grass was still abundant. Grækenland, Peloponnese, Strofylia National Park (Maj 2022)Tortoises are often parasitized by ticks, and the typical tick found on tortoises in the balkans are Hyalomma aegyptium. Grækenland, Peloponnese, Strofylia National Park (Maj 2022)
Siroký, P., K.J. Petrzelková, M. Kamler, A.D. Mihalca & D. Modrý. 2006. Hyalomma aegyptium as dominant tick in tortoises of the genus Testudo in Balkan countries, with notes on its host preferences. Exp. Appl. Acarol., 40(3-4): 279-290.